In this original fiction story, follow two characters as they embark on a seemingly mundane beach cleanup day, but are pleasantly surprised when the day takes an unexpected turn. In Reading Comprehension: Lost and Found, learners will read an engaging one-page story and answer a set of comprehension questions about the text. Geared toward seventh-grade learners, this worksheet covers skills such as making inferences, identifying and describing the development of the story’s theme, and using context clues and word relationships to understand the meaning of unfamiliar words.
انتشارات مهدآموز | آموزش به زبان انگلیسی | موضوعات کلی Subjects | Reading & Writing | Reading | Reading Comprehension Strategies | Analyzing Story Structure | Analyzing Character | کاربرگ Reading Comprehension: Lost and Found
کاربرگ Reading Comprehension: Lost and Found
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